The weather is warm today, how wonderful! Besides putting my back out somehow, (just woke up and ouch), I am really excited because Spring is in the air! Outside we went this morning, wearing short sleeves for the first time since winter started. I thought I was being brave wearing short sleeves, but it was hot outside. Caiden and I started sieving compost for the veggie beds and I even tried to dig over a bed, but my back would not allow it…. What I did manage to do was plant up a few seedling trays of beetroots and mixed peppers. I also made some sweet little newspaper pots for our squash, pumpkins and Patti-pans to start growing in.
I just love these paper seedling pots, you can find the
tutorial here. They are great for recycling your newspaper and for your seedlings to grow in…
Some of our beds have been dug over and filled with compost, I just can’t wait to start planting, I have ordered a few heirloom veggie seeds, but I am still looking for a wonderful online supplier, if you know of any, please could you let me know in the comments:)
Erin planting up the newspaper pots with some of her pumpkin seeds.
Gifts for our neighbours. I really enjoy swapping produce with our neighbours…
This is a little DIY cloche that I am trying out, in order to give some of our plants a chance to grow, without being discovered by the chickens. The bottle acts like a tiny greenhouse, forming moisture on the sides of the glass to water the plant. Now to find some bigger bottles, hmmmmmm…
Meet Bill, he is so sweet…
The Jasmine is almost in bloom…
I was so close to frogging my Shalom, just couldn’t do it though… I tried it on again and decided that a loose fit was ok and then I was happy… phew, I am so relieved I procrastinated:) I am quietly knitting on the couch, knitting the first sleeve, just letting my back rest a little, and then I will be back out there in the veggie garden digging, planting and watching things grow:)
Take care and thanks so much for visiting,