I know I haven’t posted for a few days, but I have been soooo busy with all my orders from my Etsy shop and now today I took a breather and went outside into the garden with my children and just photographed everything that has been happening over the last few weeks…..
This is a most beautiful plant, it is called a Buddleia Davidii, (a butterfly plant), it attracts the most beautiful butterflies and has a divine scent.
Our Roses are also blossoming forth…
Isn’t nature amazing, just look at all these littls workers busy collecting all they can from this pumpkin flower!
Our grape vine is heavily laden with grapes, almost time for wine making again…. fun!
We discovered this pumpkin completely by accident, we recycle most of our veggie scraps and a few pumpkin seeds must have found their way into our compost heep. Anyway, when we dug our new vegetable beds and filled them with compost, this pumpkin vine emerged out of nowhere and under all the massive leaves, we found this beautiful pumpkin, it measures, 16 inches across and it is still growing… What a lovely surprise!!
This is our resident bat, he lives in our patio umbrella and he has been with us for a few years, every evening at dusk, he flies out with his other bat friends, he is precious….
Hope you are all having a wonderful week…..