Archive | Festivals


My inspiration to make this advent calendar of our four kingdoms came from an internet toy shop online where I saw something very similar and was inspired to make one for our family. I have been trying to finish in time for today so that we can take out our first treasure from its pocket, the crystal representing the mineral kingdom. I will hang our calendar on the wall and each little treasure from each pocket will have a turn to sit on the branch at the bottom of the felted calendar. The second kingdom, is the plant kingdom and here a flower will represent the plants and a bird for the animal kingdom etc..

Jenna felted the little robin for the animal kingdom, Erin felted a flower for the plant kingdom and Caiden chose the crystal wer are to use from the mountain pocket. It was a lovely project….

We are all so very excited to walk our Advent spiral tonight, the rain clouds are gathering, I just hope it holds off long enough for us to have our special walk…..

I have made an Advent wreath from ivy and pine branches intertwined around one another and we will be lighting our first candle tonight after we have walked our Advent spiral….

This is our Advent calendar that we bought from Stockmar, we are very excited to start opening the little windows….

I wish everyone a wonderful Advent spiral walk……


Christmas Nativity Scene

Today was a woodworking day for me, and I really enjoyed making a Nativity Scene for Christmas for my Etsy Shop. I will be making two or three Nativity Scenes but they will all be different, only one of a kind, unless I have a custom request order for one I have made already, I will make that particular one with the greatest of pleasure. I made the Christmas Scene from Oregon Pine Wood and I love the way it turned out. The stable stands about 6 inches / 14 cm high.

You can view it on my shop:

Have a lovely weekend……



Today we celebrated Martinmas down here in the Southern Hemisphere. My children just love the festivals and so look forward to them! We sang songs today, listened to the story of St Martin and prepared our lanterns from glass jars with tissue paper stuck inside. When the candle is lit it looks so beautiful. We have just returned inside after our lantern walk. The grass was full of dew, the night was lit by the waxing moon , we walked and sang through our herb garden, it was lovely……



So much has been happening since I last posted. We made Easter Bonnets with our children, had an Easter Bonnet parade with some friends, followed by a picnic. That was lovely! We also celebrated the Autumn Equinox on March 21st., with our good friends. Both our families harvested their produce at Autumn harvest time and then we all brought food from our harvests and had a lovely dinner together.

My oldest has just finished her Botany Block, we learnt about moss, fungi, lichens, mushrooms and algae and the structure of the plant, it was a wonderful journey, we also planted a vegetable garden with some winter veggies and we have quite a few plants growing inside from pips and seeds. We have managed to grow 4 avocados, 1 mango and Erin has managed to grow a little Oak tree from one of our acorns that fell from our tree. Erin finished a Building Block, we built tee-pees and a framework for a house and it was great fun, we have now gone directly into Stories of the Old Testament and we are all enjoying this. At the moment we are reading about Isaac, Jacob and their lives.

We have also finished off three of the Little House Books which are divine and we have started reading through Narnia and they love it, we sit down together every night and I read to our three children and they always want me to read more and more.

I have also included a photo of our nature table at the moment. It has an Autumn theme, with all our gourds and pumpkins that we harvested from our veggie garden. We have been busy making Autumn crafts as well. In the basket you can see corn husk men. We used the husks from our corn that we grew ourselves. These were such a treat to make!
We use the following beautiful books for all of our nature and Festival ideas and they are really worth adding to your library of books;
Earthwise by Carol Petrash
Festivals Family and Food by Diana Carey and Judy Large
All Year Round by Ann Druitt
A Child’s Seasonal Treasury by Betty Jones

We have so many leaves falling in our garden at the moment, our children love raking them up into piles and singing leaf raking verses as they rake. Our lives have become so enriched by this beautiful philosophy and we love it!
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