Archive | Family

Hello from a cold South Africa

Hello from a very cold South Africa 🙂

The temperature has plummeted over the past week but our lovely indigenous Aloes are flowering and attracting may birds and insects to our garden. I love them, they are gorgeous plants!

A boy and his dog… K loves Bailey to bits! She is such a sweet girl and has given our other Lab Sandy a boost of longevity. They play for hours and then have long naps together only to resume playing again.

Our beautiful Orchid is flowering again, this plant was given to me as a gift the day Jen was born almost 20 years ago. It flowers profusely year after year and gives us such joy! When it was given to me it was a single bloom with a few leaves at the base but now it has expanded and takes up an entire container.

I am busy with a new pattern for someone, I’m enjoying the design process tremendously and love seeing the development take shape.

We have had to start lighting fires again, it’s so cozy and warm. We’ve collected plenty of wood from our garden during our pruning season, so that worked out very well and is sustainable too.

Oh and this is Bailey attempting to steal my knitting every opportunity she gets. I love her x


A New Family Member

Meet our new family member Bailey! She was a birthday gift for Kye’s 11th birthday. She’s a Golden Retriever and she’s about 5 months old now.

Sandy is thrilled to have a new friend to frolic with in the garden and it has given her a new lease on life!

It’s April already and we should be experiencing cooler weather as winter approaches but it’s still extremely hot here during the day. Hopefully it will stay this way for a while longer before the cold sets in 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your week.


In the Garden…


Our Butternuts are ready, the vines have started to die down and we’ve begun harvesting! Richard and Kye planted these towards the end of last year. We had an old trampoline pit from years ago, we filled it up with compost, grass cuttings and horse manure and planted seedlings. They’ve done so well!

The potatoes are almost ready, just a few more weeks to go.

Ahhh, these have been my favourite so far! Buttery and delicious!

We also tried growing black tomatoes, full of flavour! It’s really exciting to be growing our own food again, the price of veggies is astronomical at the moment, so I get such a sense of accomplishment and pride when I walk out into our garden and pick food for our table. I’ve also sewn wheatgrass seeds in trays, we’re going to start juicing again as soon as it’s ready, I can’t wait.

The rains have come! We are still experiencing a drought but the Vaal Dam is about 65% full. We’ve been collecting rainwater under our downpipes, I can’t believe how quickly the drums fill up and we are recycling our grey water.

And… here’s a photo of Lou ♥

Have a lovely week x


A Trip


I really appreciate all of your comments and for your visits to this space. Life is incredibly busy now and the days are flying by. I cannot believe it’s almost Christmas, it seems that I have just packed up all the decorations and now it’s time to take them all down from the cupboards again! I was grateful to hear from a few readers who were missing my posts. I will be posting more often and really enjoy sharing here and of course love hearing from you. I am also posting frequently on Instagram as Mamma4earth


We’ve just returned from a lovely holiday at the beach. We haven’t been for a while, it’s an eight-hour drive in the car but was worth the trip.


I spotted a bluebottle on the beach, they are beautiful.



Kye and I found some scoured out rock pools that had tiny ecosystems living in them.


Everyone enjoyed the beach, I really wish we lived closer.


I’ve been enjoying knitting on the Blue Light Hat. It was originally designed by Kerstin Olsson in 1959 and was updated by Solveig Gustafsson in 2008. The shades of yarn are breathtaking when combined in their respective rounds. ?✨ Kye has seen it and has already claimed ownership.?


Discovering windmills is my absolute favourite activity when we’re on a roadtrip.


Found some stunning seaglass on the beach…


I took this photo of the sunrise at 4:45 am the morning we drove back, it was beautiful and the sun disappeared into the clouds almost instantly.

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