Archive | Christmas

Handmade Christmas Ornaments…

Today we decided to make these citrus and cinnamon Christmas ornaments. Our home has this beautiful fragrance wafting throughout, it is heavenly…

Erin is busy with her ornament…
We decided to hang them in our kitchen so we can enjoy them…
To make:
You need a few oranges,
Cinnamon sticks,
Golden thread, or thread of your choice,
Thick wool needle,
Pin hammer,
Acorns etc…
We dried out our orange slices in the oven on a low heat and added some ground cinnamon to the slices.
Knock the wool needle through the cinnamon stick to make an opening and then thread the needle with your strand of golden thread and attach the orange slice to the stick. We also now added an acorn etc… to our ornament and tied them all together. Tie a little knot with your thread and your ornament is ready to hang up for everyone to see… Enjoy!


Christmas is Coming…

My little ones have just finished their last pottery lesson for the year and I love what they all brought home from pottery class yesterday afternoon. Jenna and Erin each made a Father Christmas and Kye and Caiden, the Three Wise Men…
Another reason for this blog post today besides the cuteness above 🙂 is to tell you all about a wonderful Giveaway at Nicole’s Blog Frontier Dreams she was featured in the last issue of Living Crafts magazine together with some other wonderfully talented mamas and she is having a beautiful giveaway:)
Have a lovely weekend everyone…
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