Yesterday was our dear Erin’s 13th birthday, both the girls were away at a scout camp from Saturday morning and Erin and Jen were to come home around lunch time and celebrate Erin’s special day here with us. The phone rang early in the morning, it was the scout master, telling me that Jenna had stepped out of her boat into a hole in the ground that was hidden by grass. Once her foot went into the hole, there was a loud ‘crack’ sound! Now I began to panic! He wasn’t too sure if the leg was broken, but said it had started to swell quite considerably. My heart was beating fast, Erin’s cake was baking in the oven and Richard had my car over a half an hour away where he was mountain biking. I phoned him, he answered and was on his way home and almost here, he went straight to the camp to fetch Jen and Erie. Her leg had been splinted, the scouts were amazing, they had helped her so much already!
Off to the ER… Jen was so brave… after waiting which seemed like forever, she finally went into x-ray. She has a fracture just above her ankle and damaged ligaments. They put on a half cast up to her knee and on Thursday we have to go back for more x-rays and have a full cast put on. Our poor girl! She is trying to get used to the crutches.
We just realised that when Jenna had her 13th birthday, Erin was thrown from a horse and had to spend the day in hospital having a brace fitted to her leg and now on Erin’s 13th birthday, Jenna fractured her leg and was in hospital….
When everyone was back at home we celebrated Erin’s birthday, the whole family came over to share her day, it was lovely.