October Already?!

Hello! Can you believe it’s October already? The year has flown by… one day seems to flow into the next and before we know it, it’ll be Christmas!

So much has been happening since I last wrote here, our children are growing up into young adults, Jen is 21 now, Erin 19, Caid 17 and our little one Kye is 12 🙂 I miss those days when they were all still so small and we’d pile into the car and go on adventures together.

They have grown into the most amazing people and we still have adventures, sometimes. I really do try to be present each day to appreciate this time I have with them. I remember, not long ago, a mom was writing about her child going off to university and how we should appreciate and ‘be’ in the moment with our children, as time is fleeting and just races by, often without us noticing.

Here we are, my girls have gone off to university already but they still live at home as their uni is close, so I’m grateful for that.

Well, as October marches on, some news from my side of the world:

Rich and I have been riding again. I really need to do this more often!

Bailey and Sandy are such wonderful pets. Bailey keeps Sandy young at heart and seems to also have kept Sandy’s epilepsy at bay for now. She’s much more active with Bailey around and I think this helps.

Last month was my birthday month, Rich was overseas and sent me this lovely bouquet of flowers 🙂

My little shadow, Delilah, she loves following me when I go to feed the chickens.

We also had a magnificent eclipse recently. It was freezing outside but so worth it!

Caid and Kye painted Proteas aren’t they gorgeous?

We still have our beautiful feathered girls and they gift us with the best eggs, daily ♥

Christmas Ornament Swap:

Is anyone interested in participating in a Christmas Ornament Swap?

Susan wrote to me to ask if there would be one this year.

If you are keen, please post in the comments and I will write a post about it if we have enough people 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your week ♥

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15 Responses to October Already?!

  1. Cheryl October 4, 2018 at 10:46 pm #

    I would love a Christmas swap. But do not knit but am quite crafty

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:41 pm #

      Hi Cheryl, if you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  2. Janet Reinhart October 5, 2018 at 12:04 am #

    Your hens are beautiful! What are you knitting these days?
    I might be interested in the Christmas Ornament Swap!

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:42 pm #

      Hi Janet,
      If you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  3. Simone October 5, 2018 at 7:51 am #

    The Christmas swap sounds interesting. What are the details please?

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:42 pm #

      Hi Simone,
      If you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  4. Clare October 5, 2018 at 8:48 am #

    Hello Linda
    It has been a long time – sure I would love to participate in a Christmas Swap.
    Kindly Clare

  5. Rose October 5, 2018 at 1:15 pm #

    Christmas Swap sounds like fun. Enjoyes pics of your growing family, dogs, your special cat and all the other happenings.

  6. Linda October 5, 2018 at 5:24 pm #

    I would love an ornament swap.

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:43 pm #

      Hi Linda, if you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  7. Ginny October 5, 2018 at 7:56 pm #

    Yes, that would be fun. Will it matter where you live?

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:43 pm #

      Hi Ginny,
      It’s international : ) if you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  8. Lise October 10, 2018 at 2:53 pm #

    I am interested in an ornament swap! I am in the UK.

    • Linda November 15, 2018 at 1:44 pm #

      Hi Lise,
      If you’d like to take part please email your:

      Email address
      Blog link if you have one
      to my email address, lindadawkins@mweb.co.za and I will pair you with a swap partner.

      This is an international swap so wherever you are, you can join:) Please feel free to add this photo above to your sidebar of your blog with this page link.

      Please, if you decide that you no longer want to take part, just send me an email so that I can pair your partner with someone else. If you would like to offer to be a swap angel (someone who will send out one extra swap item to anyone who has not received their swap for whatever reason) just add that to your email you send to me.


  9. Clare November 8, 2018 at 12:16 pm #

    Hi Linda
    What happened to the Christmas swap?

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