Autumn Equinox


We can already see the shortening of days with the sun rising later and setting earlier. I’ve really enjoyed riding my bike with Richard in the early evenings most of our Summer but soon those days will come to an end until Spring here in the south… We still have a few weeks left, hopefully and then I’ll possibly start riding during the mornings if I have a chance…

Jen and Erin’s exams are almost over, just one more to go, Life Science on Monday and then the term is finished until after the first week of April. I managed to fit a little knitting into today while Erin had her tennis lesson this afternoon. Tomorrow is a public holiday here in South Africa so I’ll get to spend the day with my Richard. Shame, he seems to have developed shin-splints and is lying down with a pack of frozen veggies on his leg at the moment. The kids have organised to go out with their friends, our children are all growing up so quickly, Jen will be 17 in a few months! I often hear how fleeting these early childhood years are from many friends whose children are grown so I consciously try to appreciate all the precious moments I have with my loves.

We’ll probably celebrate the Autumn Equinox on Saturday with friends and have a braai. What will you do to celebrate the equinox?

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4 Responses to Autumn Equinox

  1. Natalie March 20, 2014 at 10:45 pm #

    Ours is vernal equinox, so we are listening for birds, having a pot of nice hot chili because we are still buried in snow, and dreaming of the garden to come. Happy equinox.

  2. cath March 21, 2014 at 4:06 am #

    Never thought to celebrate an equinox, but it sounds nice. I, too, am in the northern hemisphere, but luckily our snow has melted. A few spring flowers have bloomed, but we’re way behind where we usually are due to a long, cold, snowy winter. Out of curiosity, what holiday will you be celebrating, or is it more of a day off than a reason to celebrate? I like learning about South Africa from you. Hope Richard feels better. Children do, indeed, grow up very quickly, but I suspect you will find new joys to fill the days of waiting for their visits, and certainly will have many lovely memories of these days you have them home with you.

  3. KC March 21, 2014 at 6:03 am #

    So love reading your blog because just as our seasons turn so do yours and it’s so much fun to hear about it being fall in another part of the world!

  4. Andrea March 21, 2014 at 7:29 am #

    We will usually spend the day crafting and then decorating the house for the new season.

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