Portrait Saturday


Our Charlie has recovered well after the nasty attack from a stray cat a few weeks ago. His stitches have healed and his fur has almost all grown back. Isn’t this just the height of comfort? I love the way he stretches himself out and lies in the most uncomfortable looking positions,  he does tend to sleep in the strangest places ie across the tops of books on a bookcase etc… He is terribly sweet:)

The house is very quiet this weekend, our 3 older children are attending a pirate Sea Scout camp, they will be coming home tomorrow. Kye is here with us, it’s strange not having everyone at home, this mama is looking forward to their return. They are growing up so fast, teenagers, finding their independence. It’s a new chapter as a mother, I feel I want to keep them close but know I have to let go little by little and allow them to find their way, gently guiding them from the sidelines.

Our chicken coop needs mending, we have a smaller coop for the younger girls and the heavy rains have damaged it. We have tried to get our new chickens to join the older girls in the large wooden coop but the older chickens really hurt them, I know they are supposed to eventually co-exist after some henpecking but they have never managed to get it right. They are happy enough to all be out together but as soon as they are put inside the enclosure the fighting starts and the younger ones get hurt. We keep them separate now in the evenings and they are only out together in the day, this seems to work. It’s a bit hectic having two coops though and I really hope we can have them living together soon.

Have a lovely weekend…

PS I just wanted to let you know, that if you want to print out patterns from my blog to knit them up, there is a really nice gadget at the end of each post. It’s there with all the social media icons and looks like a green leaf. If you click on that it will only print what you choose to print instead of the whole post with photos etc… 🙂

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5 Responses to Portrait Saturday

  1. Sharon M. February 2, 2013 at 9:56 pm #

    Take it from the word of experience – make sure you clean the wound frequently with hydrogen peroxide. Our cats have had those problems here and there over the years. After having to pay over $800 in surgery to have the damaged flesh removed by surgery (about 20 years ago!), I now make sure to clean their damaged sites carefully and haven’t had any problems since. We have 5 cats and don’t want a repeat.

  2. Grace D. February 2, 2013 at 11:06 pm #

    Becareful with hydrogen peroxide. Our veternarian told us that using hydrogen peroxide will damage the tissues and recommended not using it.

  3. W-S Wanderings February 3, 2013 at 1:18 am #

    Ugh, I can’t stand that process of integrating new chickens. That’s how we ended up having a house chicken for awhile. Hen pecking, it doesn’t sound like as vicious a process as it sometimes is.

    That’s a beautiful portrait! He sounds like such a darling, quirky cat.

  4. Judy February 3, 2013 at 10:28 am #

    Your Charlie is a dead ringer for our cat Hogs!! Colouring, fur thickness, and the way he lies on his back with his tummy exposed! It’s like seeing a twin!

  5. K March 10, 2013 at 11:45 pm #

    I have often wished I were a cat. You know, were you to lay one in a bed of sand, and then lift him again, you’d find a complete impression of the entire cat. But lay a human being in the sand bed, life him up, and all you will find are head, shoulders, behind, calves and heels.

    I LOVE that little leaf thing. What a wonderful little plug-in!

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