Bumble Bee Knitting Pattern

I had noticed that the Wisteria creeper was full of buds before we left for our holiday, it’s amazing how a garden can change in just four days! We have returned to the most amazing display of mauve colour imaginable. When we were outside this morning feeding the chickens, Erin called me to come and have a look at the beautiful Wisteria flowers. When I went to her, she told me to listen… wow! There were hundreds of bumble bees flitting from one flower to the next. There were plenty of regular bees there too.
Well, as you can imagine, I was inspired to knit a little bee! So off I went and found some black and yellow mohair scraps, it needed to be mohair because little bees are so fuzzy and well full of pollen, so mohair was perfect.
I knitted him in the round on my circular needles but DPNs would work just as well too and after a few minutes, there he was, a little bee:)

4mm / US 6 circular needles or DPNs
DK Kid Mohair yarn scraps
Merino fleece for stuffing
Wool needle for sewing up
Black and white fleece for the eyes
Felting needle


Cast on 6 stitches in black yarn and join for knitting  in the round.
Round 1: Knit
Round 2: Knit into the front and back of all the stitches across the round. (12 stitches)
Round 3: Join the yellow yarn, and knit the round.
Round 4: Knit into the front and back of all the stitches across the round. (24 stitches)
Round 5: Pick up the black strand and leave the yellow strand and knit the round.
Round 6: Knit
Round 7: Pick up the yellow strand and leave the black strand and knit round.
Round 8: Knit
Round 9: Pick up the black strand and leave the yellow strand and knit round.
Round 10: Knit
Round 11: Pick up the yellow strand and leave the black strand and knit 2 stitches together all across the round. (12 stitches)
Round 12: Knit
Round 13: Pick up the black strand and leave the yellow strand and knit 2 stitches together across the round. (6 stitches)
Round 14: Knit
Round 15: Knit

Stuff the little bee before you finish off, then break the yarn, thread the yarn through a wool needle and thread the needle through the remaining stitches. Finish off. This will be the stinger of the bee.

With a wool needle, sew two black loops over each other for each wing.

Needle felt the eyes, first with white fleece and then a little black circle of fleece in the centre of the eye.

You are finished:)

Can you see this little bumble bee in the photo above?

Thank you so much for your thoughts for Kye today, he went into hospital early this morning, everything went smoothly and he is recovering at home, he is back to his normal self already:)

Happy knitting and have a lovely week:)

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7 Responses to Bumble Bee Knitting Pattern

  1. Lori ann September 13, 2011 at 6:51 pm #

    hee hee, adorable darling bee! so realistic looking and a perfect choice of yarn.
    wonderful news about your son as well!

  2. Sam Findlay September 13, 2011 at 7:14 pm #

    Super cute!

  3. K September 14, 2011 at 4:21 am #

    My Gin is deeply cuted by this bee. And me also!

  4. Linda September 14, 2011 at 7:48 am #

    Thanks so much Sam, Lori ann and Kristen:)

  5. Hazel September 14, 2011 at 10:28 am #

    Your bee is so adorable! Thank you for sharing the pattern, It makes me want to make one!!

  6. Hinterland Mama September 14, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

    Such a clever way to make the wings! Thanks again for another sweet little creature pattern.

  7. Baa-Me Kniits September 15, 2011 at 1:08 pm #

    Your bee is so cute! Is that Wisteria? Looks amazing 🙂

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