Searching for Meerkat burrows, we found the burrows but not the meerkats:)
I sat and knitted in this spot, watching the game passing by in the valley…
Gorgeous flowers just erupt out of the dry, red and sandy landscape…
Each day, we had the most spectacular sunsets and watched as the moon rose from the rocky hill behind the house…
Aloes grow all over…
Treasure, empty snail shells, Guinea Fowl feathers and an ostrich feather…
Can you see how she is watching me?
A Zebra foal and its mom…
Can you see the Blesbuck just below our bikes near the farmhouse?
We climbed up to the old Boer ruins, how amazing to think that people built these walls so many years ago, I love history…
Lichen grows everywhere…
Caiden climbed up the spot height…
See, a flower stalk and then suddenly, a beautiful flower…
This Wildebeest was watching us closely and snorting through his nose…
Playing in the mud in the trout dams…
Richard rode his bike…
The end of our adventure…
On another note, our youngest little one Kye has to go in for a small procedure tomorrow morning, nothing serious, but he will be having anesthetic and my stomach is in a knot! If you have a moment to send healing thoughts tomorrow, that would be greatly appreciated:)
Thanks to everyone who has entered my latest giveaway:) It closes this Wednesday, on my 39th birthday, so if you haven’t yet entered you can go to this post and leave a comment.
Take care
That looks like such a lovely adventure, I love the orange glow of the sky in your first photograph.
I would love to have an adventure like this, looks such fun 🙂
Wow, it looks so beautiful and peaceful there! Great photos! Love the Wildebeest one! The zebras too. Oh, and that little butterfly is so neat – I have never seen anything like it before!
Wauw, it´s a real adventure.
Your pictures are beautiful.
simply stunning!I am totally overwhelmed by this beauty! this look slike great days..keep them in your hearts;)
What a stunning post my friend!!! I adore each and every one of your photos, looks like you had an awesome time. Lots of love to Kye, thinking of you all. xx
Wonderful photos, the picture of the moon is stunning
Good luck to your little one, he’ll be fine (and so will you but I know it is a horrible feeling in your tummy(. Yep, 1972 was a pretty great year, happy 39th for Wednesday, I am 39 on Sunday!!
Looks like you had an amazing holiday x thank you for sharing x
Wow what a wonderful way to spend four days….I can see why you were reluctant to go home. I would love to see a zebra like that. Coming from Australia that is going to be a little difficult. And love the moon shots…in fact loved them all.
How amazing! Thanks for sharing these images with us.
But now I am yearning to know what animal came springing out from between your needles. Your African sky sets the Santa Fe sunsets a high standard – are they as dramatically red to the eye as they are through the lens? Is the farm yours? I have missed what you’ve written about your history with it. I would have walked very softly with a snorting wildebeast that close. The whole thing is very mysterious and exotic – and I envy the feathers and shells –
I love it when you document these holidays. And Guy would do just as Richard does – if they can ride on it, through it, around it, out comes the bike. The time you have spent with the children will come back to you in heaps and waves and deep joys as your years go on. A wise investment. The wisest.
I forgot to remark on the stunning images – moon, flower – boy and mud. Because they were remarkable. And ostriches – I had thought they were only in Australia – but maybe I knew they were in other places. I would not cross an ostrich either. The Boers. Fascinating to have ruins on your place. We dug up an iron wagon suspension when we first built the house. And the jaw bone of a cow that was fairly ancient.
Hello my dear friend
Each of your pictures pulled chords in my heart so – beautiful, soulful Africa!! What bliss…Happy birthday to your Caiden. And prayers for Kye. Hope you are all well.
Totally in awe of the incredible landscape and nature!
Dear Rene’
It was lovely, thank you so much for thinking of Kye:)
Dear Poppy Cottage,
Thanks about Kye and Happy Birthday for Sunday.
Take care
Dear Kristen,
Thanks for visiting:)
I knitted an African Elephant and no unfortunately the farm isn’t ours, it belongs to friends and they are so generous and offer for us to go and visit wherever we need a break to the bush. So kind. We have been there many times and always love it:)
Love Linda
Dear Kelly,
Thank you so much dear friend! One day we will sit and drink tea in Africa:)
Sending healing thoughts to your boy and calming ones to you mama.
S.A. is so beautiful, i have been lucky to have spent time driving through your lovely country.
Firstly I hope your little Kye has come out of his surgery well and safe.Its so hard as parents to see our children so venerable.
Secondly thatnk you for sharing the pictures, seeing those amazing animals and flowers was wonderful, no wonder you had such a wonderful time:)
Your pictures are lovely, I especially like the moon. Thanks for all the great patterns and ideas, your blog is so colorful.
What beautiful pics, Linda. And what a great place to take kids for a holiday. My lot would be delighted to see zebra and ostrich in their backyard but that might just be because we only get to see kangaroo’s and possums here!! I really love your rock and lichen photos – they are so tenacious those lichens, aren’t they?
I loved this post Linda. The photos were amazing, those flowers! My father grew up in South Africa and Zimbabwe so the scenery was familiar. Loved the happy feeling that came thru and isn’t a break in the bush the best thing for the soul 🙂
Stunning photos – especially that moon! I trust all was well with you wee boy? wishing for a safe and speedy recovery x
I LOVE all your pictues of you recent trip! They are wonderful! Thanks for posting them, I really enjoyed looking at them! Charline
WOW! Love all your photos, a wonderful adventure you shared with us. I’m envious :)xxx