Aestlight Shawl

This is one of my unfinished projects, the Aestlight Shawl, it has been just over a year since I have picked up this particular project, I loved knitting it up until this point and then I can’t actually remember why, but I stopped and left it neatly folded in one of my knitting baskets, forgotten… This week, as I walked through my wool room, I noticed it, patiently lying there waiting for me to finally finish it. I took it out of the basket and started to knit the lace section, it has had my complete focus and attention the entire morning. It’s a beautiful pattern and available on Ravelry for download! Do you find there are some projects that you leave unfinished for months… years even…and then you return to them and finish them without batting an eye?? I think this is going to be one of them:) I have always wanted to knit a shawl and I am loving the process now, a year later…
I am knitting the shawl in Nurturing Fibres, hand dyed sock wool, called Agapanthus.

Christmas Ornament Swap
Christmas Ornament Swap
Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up for the Christmas Ornament Swap, it is going to be wonderful! If you would like to join, please read this blog post.
Join with me in a lucky pincushion swap
Dear Shannon over at Rhythm and Rhyme is hosting a lovely pincushion swap, pop on over to her blog if you would like to join:)
Have a restful weekend,
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13 Responses to Aestlight Shawl

  1. Hazel September 24, 2011 at 5:31 pm #

    That is looking to be a beautiful shawl, I think its amazing how projects can be left untouched and then picked back up again without the bat of an eyelid 🙂

  2. Teje September 24, 2011 at 7:47 pm #

    Hi Linda! Your shawl is going to be wonderful! What a lovely yarn and great pattern!

  3. CrochetBlogger September 24, 2011 at 9:23 pm #

    It’s a really pretty project made from great yarn so I think it’ll be a terrific one for you to finish up! I don’t usually like having loose end projects around but it does happen sometimes.

  4. Michelle September 24, 2011 at 9:26 pm #

    I really like the way the stripes in the center and the striped border work together.

  5. Lori ann September 24, 2011 at 11:36 pm #

    i have done this very same thing, if only i had as much patience as my wool…

    i love shawls, to knit and wear, this is a lovely pattern. yours looks so pretty, it’ll be perfect for your spring summer there!

  6. Hinterland Mama September 25, 2011 at 12:52 am #

    Oh I love it!
    So beautiful. I am completely in love with those colours too.
    I am absolutely guilty of starting a project and eventually completing it, a looong time later. I blame it on all of the wonderful inspiration there is around me. I always want to try something new and there’s only so much time in a day!

  7. Baa-Me Kniits September 25, 2011 at 2:18 am #

    Those colours are lovely and the shawl is so pretty. I know exactly what you mean, I have been knitting a shawl for about a year….I think the closer it gets to being finished means that each row takes ages to do so progress seems to crawl and I don’t get the instant gratification that i do from my smaller projects. I will finish it before next winter 😉

  8. Shirley Ann September 25, 2011 at 5:07 pm #

    I love the colors of your shawl. I’ve just finished knitting the Aestlight shawl too! It took me a year to knit mine, mainly because we had an international move as well as having to order more yarn for it from South Africa. I found the lace edging quick to knit and quite addictive!

    Good luck! Look forward to seeing it finished.

    Shirley Ann

    PS. If you would like to see my finished Aestlight Shawl here’s the link ;o)

  9. K September 26, 2011 at 5:58 am #

    Beautiful. But it has no legs.

  10. ohangelina September 26, 2011 at 9:04 am #

    linda i love love your shawl!! it looks so cozy and soft..

  11. Alittlebitsheepish September 26, 2011 at 9:54 am #

    It looks beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing more of it

  12. Natalie September 26, 2011 at 12:46 pm #

    Ah, the shawl is gorgeous Linda.


  13. no spring chicken September 27, 2011 at 4:19 pm #

    How wonderful of it to wait so patiently! And such a beauty. Yes, I think I’d finish her too…

    Blessings, Debbie

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