For a while now I have had requests for a chicken pattern and I have been trying to figure out a design for a pattern that could be knitted all in one piece. I wanted to knit a chicken on two needles and do hardly any sewing up at all. This chicken is knitted all in one, once you have finished knitting the pattern she already has her chicken shape and all you have to do is sew up one seem on one side and she is finished. She is not knitted as a square. The pattern is knitted in garter stitch with two needles, you will need to know how to increase into stitches and decrease stitches and this is what gives this chicken her shape! 🙂 This particular pattern knits up to 3 inches tall and 4 inches wide. You will be able to easily make her smaller or bigger by slightly changing the pattern:) I have knitted her in DK merino yarn.
Her pattern will be in our Mamma4earth shop today.
I am having a giveaway on Lisa’s lovely blog Earth Mama The items below are on offer for the giveaway. Thank you so much Lisa for all your wonderful words, I am very honoured to be hosted as a sponsor on your blog:) To enter, head on over to Lisa’s blog.

I have been trying to reach Maria from Honey Pumpkin Mama, who won the giveaway with the Easter Chicken, Cochineal Yarn and Acorn. Maria I hope you see this message, please could you send me your postal details, thanks so much:)
Happy and restful weekend to you all:) xo Linda

That little hen is just sweet. How ever do you do it…… I know I slobber all over you blog all of the time but I am just that enamored by your talent!!
This morning I spent over an hour knitting and have very little to show for it because I spent a good part of it…… drum roll…… shocking………. surprise……… UNPICKING! 😀 Why do I stay with it….. (shaking my head)… amazing that I still like it so.
I love that chicken! And would love to learn to knit the way you do. Seems so magical to me, haha!
I really need to figure out how knit different stitches. I do have a book and ofcourse tutorials at youtube,but still…
Love, Yvonne
Ummmm. If Maria never shows . . .